It was another busy day at Morris. We harvested lots of cucumbers and cherry tomatoes, as well as kale, mint, peppers malibar spinach and mizuna. We also started preparing for the fall planting we are going to do in a few weeks. Since a lot of our squash plants succumbed to the squash beetles, we hoed those beds and removed all of the weeds that had grown. Now, they are clear and ready for new seeds. We also checked the remaining squash plants for bugs, killed a few beetles, removed some eggs and sprayed the underside of all the squash leaves with soapy water to help keep the bugs away.
There was also lots of weeding to be done, since we hadn't been at Morris in a bit. While weeding around the tomatoes, we found another tomato hornworm! This one was covered in wasp larvae, though, so we didn't kill it. Instead, we picked off the leaf with the hornworm, and moved it to a corner of the garden where nothing is growing. That way, once the larvae hatch and become full-grown wasps, they will kill that hornworm, and hopefully any others that are still lurking in our tomato plants.
But the hornworm wasn't the only bug we saw today. There were a few grasshoppers hanging around the minzuna and as we were prepping the other beds we saw a few snails.