Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 31, 2017

We were lucky today that the rain stayed away while we were in the garden. But it had rained overnight, so the snails and slugs were out in force. We started the day by taking stock of how everything was growing in the garden — the tomatoes and pumpkins are doing especially nice. Then it was on to weeding and cleaning up the garden. Some of us tended to the lettuce and planted mustard greens in one half of the garden. Others worked out front, weeding the flower garden and picking up trashing around the trees.

Monday, May 22, 2017

May 22, 2017

Hey! My name is Maria! I'm a volunteer with the Bridge's Horticulture program and I've taken over the blog.

May 22 was my first day, and unfortunately, it was raining pretty hard today in Harlem, but that didn’t stop the horticulture team. Everyone put on their ponchos and got to work in the garden. We started by walking around the garden and looking at how things changed from the week before and identifying the plants that are growing. Then we got to work weeding all of the beds. Because of the rain, we made it a short day.