We met at site # 2 at E. 111 St. and uprooted the stumps in the small space in the front and planted foxglove,
wildflowers and coleus in their place. Hopefully they will grow because the soil is very poor quality there with little sunlight. We filled in the path around the sun with small red rocks and planted lettuce around the tomatoes and broccoli. We also cut back branches and leaves in the front and back to allow more sunlight to shine in the garden.
At site #3 at E. 6 St. we met up with Mark from the
Horticultural Society. There we cut back some dead limbs and branches from the lone tree there and we planted 2 plants that he provided in the limited space in their backyard garden. We will return later with more plants and fill the space with more plants.
At Morris Ave. we continue to do most of our work. We continue to plant, weed and water. We also cleaned up the trash in the back yard at Sheridan Ave. and we also weeded there. We cut back parts of the arugula and radishes that bolted. We also harvested arugula,
Swiss chard, collard greens,
bok choy, romaine lettuce and lettuce. We also began staking the tomatoes. We did our old method from last year with the metal circular frames and I also followed John C.'s advice and used a few bamboo sticks intertwined at the top and bottom between a row of 5 tomato plants. Both the cherry and beefsteak tomatoes are showing noticeable growth and are about 1-2 feet high.
-Lloyd Stacey Van Rossum